Time Defends Obama’s Tire Gauge Energy Plan

Filed under:Culture War,General — posted by 3wire on 8/5/2008 @ 9:09 pm

It must be nice to have  the likes of Time and CNN running interference for your campaign. Obama doesn’t need to justify his ridiculous statements, that’s the press’s job, the impartial and independent press, isn’t it?

In this story from Time there is not a single quote from the Obama camp. It must save a lot of time when a reporter doesn’t actually have to do any reporting. Just take a position supporting your candidate and write about how his opposition is a bunch of whiners and Oil Company lackeys. No where in that piece is there any mention that it is an editorial or an opinion piece. In fact I linked to it from Yahoo under the US News category and sure enough that’s where it resides on the Time website, US news.

Do they even have editors over at Time? Do you suppose there is any oversight at all?  I kind of expect a “news” story to have “facts” supported by “quotes” from “experts” or “spokesmen” or perhaps even a “candidate” or two. Apparently the Journalisim school this guy went to didn’t teach that part. Or perhaps he didnt even go to journalisim school, maybe all you need to get a job at Time is your voter registration card stamped “Democrat”. That or a letter of recomendation from Dan Rather.

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