The US needs to stop allowing the construction of terrorist training centers on its own soil.

Filed under:Culture War,War on Terror — posted by Jack on 8/20/2010 @ 6:56 pm

Bryan Fischer makes the case that not only should the Ground Zero mosque be stopped, the construction of ALL mosques should be halted – not as oppression of religion, but to limit the threat of home-grown terrorists being raised and indoctrinated in our own cities.

Powerful Democrat defends my position on mosques

by Bryan Fischer

“I have argued that building permits can and should be denied for the building of mosques in American cities because each mosque is a potential or actual recruitment and training center for terrorism against the United States.

Mosques cannot claim protection under the First Amendment for the simple reason that the agenda of Islam is the total destruction of Western civilization in general and America in particular.

More than 100 verses (109 to be exact) in the Koran call upon Muslims to shed innocent infidel blood.

There may be moderate Muslims, but there is no such thing as moderate Islam. And until we have a foolproof way of knowing when moderate Muslims will suddenly turn devout and start shooting up idolaters, like Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan did, then the risk is simply too great to allow their indoctrination centers to sprout like weeds.

Islam is a totalitarian political ideology, not a benign religion. It is as racist as the KKK, committed by principle and conviction to the extermination of Israel just because Jews live there.

According to the FBI, a minimum of 10% of America’s 3000 mosques are actively, right now as you are reading these words, preaching jihad against the United States. And that is, according to the FBI agent who made the comment, a “conservative” estimate. So let’s say the figure is roughly 20%, give or take.

That means, according to our own government, that we have approximately 600 – 600!! – jihadist recruitment and training centers actively operating on sovereign U.S. soil, headed by leaders whose agenda is the extermination of Western civilization and the shedding of infidel blood.

That means, on average, each state has 12 mosques preaching jihad against the United States this very day. And the other 2400 mosques could be radicalized virtually overnight. We have no way of knowing when a mosque will suddenly begin to take its prophet and its god seriously and start planning to blow us up or cut off our heads, or both.

This wouldn’t be so bad if we knew which 600 mosques we needed to worry about, but we don’t. I don’t think the FBI keeps a master list available to the public so we can check on the mosque in our neighborhood.

That means we must be cautious with them all. All 3000 existing mosques must be infiltrated and monitored, just as we would monitor resurgent KKK clan groups and neo-Nazi cells and just as the FBI did infiltrate and monitor the Christian Hutaree militia.”

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